Hey everyone! This is Jamie Miller, and I am the guy who started Bard & Bellom.
I am super excited to be bringing you this line up of totally flavorful and versatile taco seasonings. Anything from tacos to burgers to pizza to veggies to whatever will benefit from the flavor sensation that is Bard & Bellom. (Flavor explosion sounds are currently happening in the background.)
These taco seasonings have been a labor of love for me. I have always loved the tastes and flavors of the American West and Southwest, and this was my way to bring those flavor profiles not only into my own cooking, but into the hands of The People. You who are reading this, you are The People in this scenario.
I love cooking. I love the social and community aspects that food and cooking bring into our lives. I love finding new ways to spice, season, and cook foods that are both new and familiar. These are all the things that I wish and hope for you too. Good food, good spices, good friends (both new and familiar), and good times.
I look forward to hearing all the things you make and enjoy using these products. I look forward to the pictures you send of yourselves in wild and exotic places (like your backyard) and all the fun that you are having, which we can all agree, is solely based on the fact that you are using Bard & Bellom seasonings to facilitate this fun factory.
Now go and cook and have fun! And maybe hug a friend if you get a chance. Adopt a puppy. Tell the person who bags your groceries that they did a good job. Wave to a stranger, but not in a strange way. Cuddle with your kids if they ask to. You know, all the good things.
Thank you for finding me.
~ Jamie
People freakin’ LOVE us!