Where can I buy Bard & Bellom organic taco seasonings? 

You can find Bard & Bellom at a few stores here in Chittenden and Addison County areas in VT.  Find a store near you or, if you can’t find a store near you, shop online now!

Why is my seasoning clumpy?

Yep, it happens. The seasoning can “clump”. This is totally normal, and does not mean that the seasonings have gone bad. As an organic product, I cannot use any sort of “anti caking” or “free flowing” ingredients to keep things moving smoothly like many non-organic and large national brands do. So things can, after a bit of time get a bit clumped up. It’s just the nature of the ingredients. No need to worry, simple fix. Just break it up with your hands, or give the packet a good shake and rattle, or shake up the bottle before using. You may also notice this more with the Baja and the Al Pastor, as they have dried juice powders which do have a bit more natural moisture in them than some of the other ingredients.

What can I use Bard & Bellom for besides tacos? 

Oh, so many things! Tacos were for sure the inspiration behind the different seasoning blends. But their use goes way beyond tacos. Here are just a few really quick and fun ideas to get you going: 

  • Sprinkle on eggs to level up your breakfast sandwiches

  • Make a batch of chili for the big game

  • Season fish for the grill

  • Add to masa for savory tamales

  • Mix with crumbled tofu for a epic tofu scrambles

  • PIZZA NIGHT! Go wild!

  • Season turkey for a healthier burger night

  • Add to homemade salsa or even the store-bought stuff!

  • Add a big punch of flavor to your Bloody Mary

I’m working on a recipe section for the website where some of these ideas can get spelled out a bit more. Also, feel free to send in your own recipe ideas or suggestions here and I can see what I can do!


Where do you source your ingredients? 

Currently, I have about 5 different spice suppliers that I use. All are certified organic, all based in various parts of the United States.  

The ingredients themselves are sourced globally, with a vast majority of them being grown and processed right here in the United States. 

I am always looking to use the highest quality ingredients and the highest quality suppliers. I have great faith in who I currently work with, but I am always on the lookout to see if there are better options out there.  I want to always ensure the products we use and the partnerships we make all align with our own personal business values and standards. 


How long is the seasoning good after it is opened? 

All the seasoning mixes are dated with a “Best By” date of 1 year from the day they were packaged. As long as you keep any unused portion of your seasonings out of the heat, and sunlight, and tightly sealed, you are good to go for that BEST BY timeframe. But my guess is that the packet or shaker won't make it that long in your home without being used. 

Do I need to use or add water when using Bard & Bellom taco seasonings with ground meat?

The short answer is no. You do not need to add water when using Bard & Bellom with ground meat or any other preparation. 

Here is the longer answer. The reason why many other brands of taco seasoning ask you to add water when using is that they tend to have a good amount of some sort of starch as part of their ingredients. This can show up as corn flour, rice flour, potato starch, corn meal, and lots of things. They do this mainly because those can be used as a cheap filler and it helps to keep the price point lower. But it does nothing for the flavor or consistency of your food. I don’t use any sort of filler or thickeners in my mixes, so it is pure seasoning. Use it as you would salt and pepper with any other food. No water needed!